Thursday, June 9, 2011



   Over the years,  the symbolism of many different types of animals have appeared  in horror movies.  Snakes  play a rather large part in many horror movies. Especially in their symbolism towards other supernatural beings.

.The Devil
   The snake is perhaps the oldest animal tat can be used as a horror symbol. In the Bible, we find out early that the snake in the Garden of Eden is a metaphor for the Devil. So to in horror movies and horror literature. It would only make sense that one of the universal symbols of the Devil would make it's way into horror movies.

Sneaking Threat
   In many cases, people that get attacked by snakes do not know that there is a snake in the area until the last possible moment. Relate this to the fact that many of the character in horror movies do not realize that the protagonist of the movie is around until the last moment, when it is too late to react. In horror movies and horror literature, seeing a snake is sometimes a precursor to a sneaking death from another source.

   Following up with the last example, snakes in horror movies and horror literature usually work as a premonition of bad things to come. Some of the gypsy tribes in Europe used to believe that the site of a snake usually meant that someone close to you would die soon.

Slow Death
   Snakes in horror movies and horror literature can also symbolize a slow death. Note the fact that once we start a horror story, we know that certain people are going to die. Some of us have actually been able to master the formula of horror movies, and can tell you in the first five minutes who is gong to die. Their death comes slowly through the movie.
   If you are bitten by some types of snakes, it is already known that you are going to die. Depending on the type of snake, and your personal constitution, it might take you hours, days, or weeks to finally succumb to the poison. How fitting for a symbol in horror movies and horror literature.

Phallic Symbolism
     There is no doubt that a snake has a phallic shape. Notice, though, that many horror writers and horror directors will try to insert some of the biggest snakes in the world into their stories.I often wonder if these story tellers believe that the size of the snake equals the strength of the movie.
   The next time that you see a snake in a horror movie, or read about one in horror literature, think about these symbolic uses for the snake. See which ones you can point out in the story as to why a snake was used when it was used. You might be surprised to find another layer to the story that you are seeing or reading.

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