Each year on the second full weekend in July, Pinedale, Wyoming turns back the clock to the time when the Mountain Men would gather together with the native tribes and anyone else to trade their furs and tell their stories. Back in the 1830s, the Rendezvous could last for months.
The Rendezvous events include the Rocky Mountain Fur Trade Journal and Forum. Each year, the Mountain Man museum publishes a journal with writings from different authors. At the forum you can meet the authors, hear their presentations. The event is a reception on Friday evening.
Members of The American Mountain Men Museum will give presentations about what it was like to be a Mountain Man in the early days of the 19th century. You will learn how the started fires, the tools they used in fur trapping, the firearms of the time, how to make rope and hear stories. There is a special program just for children as well.
The Plains Indian Encampment is located right next to the museum and the village is made the way the Plains Indians lived, with tipis , wickiups, sweatlodges, brush arbors and meat drying racks. The Pageant at the rodeo grounds is a faith full representation of what a real Rendezvous was like. The performance lasts for about an hour and has about 70 participants.
Trader's Row is where you can get authentic beadwork, pelts, period clothing and accessories and there will also be an Arts & Craft Fair
The Rendezvous Rodeo at the Rodeo Grounds has very type of rodeo competition there is - Barrel Racing, Senior & Junior Peewee Barres, Breakaway, Calf Roping, Team Roping, Tie Down Roping, Bulls, Bareback and Saddle Bronc.
There will also be a tour of the exact location of the old Rendezvous, the place where the Green River and Horse Creek meet and don't miss out on the Buffalo Burger Lunc, the annual pancake breakfast, the pie sale and a chance to learn Indian Sign Language.
There is also a chance to help out a local charity by participating in the Rendezvous, Ramble 5-Mile Walk or Run, Registration is open right up to race time.
Other events include the Rendezvous Parade, Women's Frying Pan Toss, Kids Fishing
Derby, Horse Shoe Tournament, Block Party, Fireworks Show Sponsored by the Sublette County Chamber of Commerce. Fireworks and the Farmer's Market & Impromptu Jam Session All Musicians invited.

There is no other event like the Green River Rendezvous because there is no other place like the Green River. It holds a special place in American history and it tells the special story of the people who are a big part of American folk lore and legend.
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