Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Besides all the popular winter holidays, there are lots of other reasons to celebrate throughout the month of December. Check them out.

December 1: Special Kids Day - If you have any special kids in your life, make this a day for them to remember.

December 2: International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - You may have thought that slavery was abolished long ago, but it still goes on.

December 3: International Day of Disabled Persons - Spend the day like a disabled person would. I bet you will appreciate everything you are able to do that other people might not be able to.

December 4: National Cookie Day - What else would you do on National Cookie Day?

December 5: Bathtub Party Day - A party in the bathtub? That just sounds wrong.

December 6: St. Nicholas Day - It's like having a Christmas before Christmas.

December 7: National Cotton Candy Day - Try to not get sick from eating too much sugar.

December 8: Wild Card - Believe it or not, there are no holidays (that I know of) on the 8th. Make up your own holiday.

December 9: Weary Willie Day - Take a nap. It will make you feel better.

December 10: Human Rights Day - Exercise all your rights today.

December 11: UNICEF Birthday - Don't forget to throw a party with balloons and everything.

December 12: Poinsettia Day - Decorate the house in poinsettias (but if you have pets keep them all up high!).

December 13: Wild Card - Make up another holiday.

December 14: Wild Card - And another...

December 15: Cat Herders Day - I've heard of cattle herding and sheep herding...but never cat herding. Why not give it a try, and see how it goes?

December 16: National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day - Of all the chocolate holidays throughout the year, this one's my favorite. I mean, you can cover anything in chocolate.

December 17: Wright Brothers Day - Hold a party for them. Who cares if they don't attend? A party's a party.

December 18: International Migrants Day - Write a thousand word essay about the effect of the increasing number of migrants in the world.

December 19: Day for South-South Cooperation - No, I didn't stutter.

December 20: Mudd Day - Have a mud--er--mudd fight.

December 21: Humbug Day - This is the one day each year you have a reason to go around telling everyone, "Bah, humbug!"

December 22: National Haiku Poetry Day - Speak in haiku all day. Five syllables, then seven, then five more.

December 23: Festivus - It's like a festival that anyone can attend.

December 24: Christmas Eve - Of course, you know what Christmas Eve is. No? It's the day before Christmas, silly.

December 25: A'phabet Day (No 'L' Day) - Not only is December 25 Christmas Day, but it's A'phabet Day. No 'L's allowed. Remove them from your vocabu'ary, p'ease.

December 26: National Whiners Day - It's okay to whine. In fact, it's encouraged on National Whiners Day.

December 27: Wild Card - need to get one more wild card in before the year is over. Make this one special.

December 28: National Chocolate Day - Eat some chocolate...but it doesn't end here. National Chocolate Day goes on into the 29th, as well.

December 29: National Chocolate Day - Eat some more chocolate.

December 30: Falling Needles Family Fest Day - Let the dried up needles fall off the tree, then dance around it. Barefoot.

December 31: Make up Your Mind Day - Is it--wait. No, maybe not. Yep, I guess it's my birthday, after all.

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