Wednesday, November 10, 2010


  • 300 million turkeys get cooked for Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S. every year.
  • The most extraordinary Thanksgiving dinner feast ever was the first meal eaten on the moon, celebrated with a turkey and all the trimmings by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
  • The person responsible for making Thanksgiving into a national holiday was Sarah Hale, who was the editor of the woman's magazine, Godey's Lady's Book.  She wrote to congress over a period of many years, petitioning for Thanksgiving to be made into a national holiday.
  • The original Pilgrims were Puritans, who wished to purify the Church of England.  They were also known as Separatists for wanting to separate them selves from the Anglican Church
  • The Indians that participated in the first Thanksgiving were the Wampamoag tribe and their leader or chief was Massasoit.
  • Turkey is said to have come from the Hebrew word "Tukki", which means parrot or fowl.
  • The original Plymouth Rock is cracked because during the Revolutionary War, the rock was moved to be placed on a pedestal, it cracked during its removal.
  • The reason a male turkey is called a "Tom", comes from a story,  that Ben Franklin, to get back at Thomas Jefferson for opposing his suggestion of the turkey as the national bird, decided to call the male turkey "Tom Turkey.
  • To test that a cranberry is just the right ripeness, it is dropped and must bounce 4 inches for it to be ripe.

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