Tuesday, October 18, 2011


 Make some of these and give some of those other family pictures a break this Halloween season.  These come to you from http://www.countryliving.com/ .   Happy haunting!

Paranormal Portraits

You'll never look at loved ones the same way after transforming their images into a ghostly display.

STEP 1: Make a black-and-white copy of a portrait on printer paper and cut out.

STEP 2: To "age" the picture, lightly brush it with a sponge dipped in a solution of a few drops of black craft paint mixed with water. Let the paper dry.

STEP 3: Cut a piece of card stock the same size as the photo, glue to the photo's back, and let dry. With an X-Acto knife, cut out the eyes of the picture's subject(s), piercing through the card stock and creating holes about 1/4 inch in diameter.

STEP 4: Open the frame's back, remove the glass, then fit the photo inside.Insert red mini LED Christmas lights (try Superior Holiday Lighting's flattop version, $11.26 for a 25-foot string; 1000bulbs.com) through the back of the eyeholes. Plug in the lights, then replace the frame's backing — securing it with tape if necessary — and drape with fake cobwebs.

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